Lord Mayor’s Procession

The Lord Mayor's Show Lord Mayor’s Procession

The procession will be revealed gradually over the course of the year, building up to an announcement of the full running order when the election of the new Lord Mayor is confirmed at the start of October. 

2023 Processional order

The running order for the 2023 Lord Mayor's Show is still available. The 2024 procession will be released in October.

The procession is different every year, reflecting the history and interests of the new Lord Mayor, the changing patterns of City life and the creativity of the Show's participants, but there are some features you can expect to see:

State Coach

Restored in 2018 to a splendour that we have not seen for many years, the State Coach has carried almost every new Lord Mayor since it was commissioned and paid for by the Aldermen of 1757.

Marching Bands

The procession is led off and kept in shape by its many military bands. Walking at 120 well-drilled 30 inch paces per minute, they take 26 minutes and 51 seconds to march from from Mansion House to the Royal Courts.


All of this is devised, assembled, set in motion and eventually delivered home again by the Pageantmaster, Dominic Reid OBE, who will be directing his 28th Lord Mayor's Show from the ceremonial Land Rover as usual.

Gog and Magog

Near the front of the procession you will see the ancient figures of Gog and Magog, guardians of London since antiquity and a regular feature of the Show since the Middle Ages.

The Ash Cart

An ancient London saying will tell you that 'after the Show comes the ash cart', usually to imply that the fun you are having now comes with a cost later. The last entry in the Show always belongs to the City of London Sanitation department and as it has been for hundreds of years, most of their work is provided by the horses.